If you are renting, your landlord has their insurance, but that most likely only covers the building itself — not your own personal assets, the items you have filled your rental home with. It also does not cover your liability as a tenant in the case of an incident on the property. That is why it is vital for tenants to acquire their own insurance, to avoid and mitigate risks while protecting yourself from the consequences of any potential liability issues, which can be debilitating. If and when such an incident occurs, having your belongings and liability backed up with tenants’ insurance could potentially save you thousands of dollars — and lots of time and stress.

Covering incidences such as fire and lighting issues, problems caused by severe weather like windstorms or hail, frozen plumbing systems, theft and much more, the tenants’ insurance provided by Ferrari & Associates places an emphasis on your peace of mind, packaging your tailored insurance premium so that it covers your unique needs while sticking to your budget. And with the one-on-one, boutique-style service offered by our trusted insurance brokers, your experience with Ferrari & Associates will result in your complete understanding of, and confidence in, your coverage.